EXCELLENT! Not Just Good with the five star rating there! :) The immediate inspection as well as trying out the Smok Guardian E-pipe II went well. The mod is easy as gravy to use.
To use simpply click 5 times for the usual method of turning it on or off. Click 3 times to change the wattage ranges being the 6-10w with white led or 11-15w range where the led turns to blue indicating which of the two wattage ranges you are in.
For adjusting the wattage the outer rim at the top has a slot that you line up a the position for the two wattages shown at position depending on which range you are in. 6/11, 7/12, 13/8, 14/9, or 15/10 as seen on the rotary dial along the top of the stainless steel collar. The 18350 battery in use here is the DemonFire 1200mah High Drain 18380 flat top battery while the mod should be able to see button top 18350 used as well.
David H.