Love the pipe, but getting the reservoir off to refill with vape juice is quite difficult, typically requiring a pair of pliers just to remove it. Other than that, the pipe is great, hard on batteries, but purchasing them at Batteries + is the lowest cost way to go.
The pipe is exceptional quality, great to hold, draws so nicely. The battery however is another story it is terrible. Luckily for me I have more coming. Also the fire button plays up.
This mod is AWESOME!!! I have yet to find anything annoying about it, other than its shaped like a pipe, which means you probably want to purchase, or make, a pipe holder for your end table.
Definitely purchase extra batteries, the 1100mah batteries last about 12 hours of regular use, while the 700mah batteries last about 6-8 hours (the use of 700mah by some of the
reviewers may explain the battery complaints).
The mechanical voltage control is simply awesome. This item is quality, through and through.
Nautilus tank is perfect with this item, the site owners have done a great job of putting together a great kit (although, they should sell the batteries in pairs, not single).
After buying this kit, you'll probably want to try a longer, flatter, tip and you'll definitely need to purchase a few extra batteries. Other than that this kit is GREAT!!! :D